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  • Writer's pictureMichaela

Father's Day Gift Guide

I've been spending 26 years celebrating my own father, but this year I get to celebrate my husband being a dad. Our little one is still growing in my belly, but that doesn't make Weston any less of a father.

I decided to put together my first gift guide with ideas of what to get the dad(s) in your life.

I don't make any commission on the links provided, I just want to help expedite your shopping experience. Most of these should be 'stock' items at your local stores, but I've linked them to their direct retailer.

Every gift idea on this post is something that Weston and I already own and use almost daily. Typically they were things we saved up for, or agreed that it would get used a lot.

Made for the Outdoor Dad:

The reclining lawn chair is probably my number one choice on this list. Every dad that I've ever known enjoys spending time lounging outside on a beach, watching his kids in the backyard, or perched up next to his grill. This reclining lawn chair is perfect for a comfortable seat on the go without having to prop your feet up on a cooler and getting interrupted every time someone needs a cold one. One small feature that is not too important but definitely my favorite is that the carrying bag has two straps that you can put on like a backpack.


If the dad in your life is so in tuned with nature that he can't hurt a fly, you want to skip past this one. The Bug-a-salt is a LIFESAVER for time spent outdoors. 2-3 times a week we are sitting outside and are constantly being bugged (HA!) by flies. This gift can combine your dad's love of hunting, and being a goofball as he stalks his prey to be pelted by salt.


I don't understand it, but I think it is a universal right of passage for dad's to take pride in their lawn and genuinely enjoy yard work. Weston was mowing one day and I brought out our weed eater to help get things done sooner and he promptly gave me the mower and took the weed eater because, "That part is way more fun" (?????) I don't know much about the weed eaters, but Weston, his brother (father of two) and their dad all swear by this brand and model. If I do say so myself, all of our lawns look pretty dang good so I would take their word for it.


Made for the Culinary Dad:

Besides Weston's handmade bbq smoker (he and his dad built their own smoker out of an old propane tank back in 2016 and it is a monster) our Blackstone griddle gets the most hot action. We've made philly cheesesteak sandwiches, chicken fried rice and broccoli beef, fajitas, smash burgers, etc. I've never had a bad meal off of our Blackstone. What we love the most about this one is that the griddle detaches from the stand that comes with it. The stand is just a little too low for Weston's liking, so he typically just places the griddle on a table top and that's it. We've taken it camping numerous times, and we'll bring it along when we use the smoker to make a quick breakfast on long smoking days.


If your culinary dad already has a smoker, Traeger, green egg, etc. then they NEED a thermometer probe. Weston has had this one for years and it just stays in his smoker the entire time he's cooking. Some probes you have to open the door and stick it over and over to get a reading. This one you place once and don't have to worry about again until you're at temperature and can take your meat off.


Made for the Relaxing Dad:

Have you ever seen Friends? Every man deserves a recliner that can rival Joey and Chandler's. We are blessed enough to have a den in our house that is Weston's game room/getaway so I was ok with getting him his own special recliner. This bad boy has cupholders that light up so you see what you're doing when gaming at 2:00am, a usb charging port, power reclining, and if you want to upgrade you can get it with Bluetooth speakers as well. This particular recliner comes in 3 different colors and we chose the timeless and sleek black.


Speaking of his gaming room, Weston rather enjoys playing Xbox with his friends. They live all over Texas so it's his way of being able to keep in touch with them on a regular basis, which I love for him. What I don't particularly love, is hearing all of their game talk while I'm trying to watch Friends. Headset.. headset.. headset! Chances are if the dad in your life is already a gamer he has a headset, but this bad boy is built like a tank. Weston has gone through half a dozen headsets and they always seem to break or won't charge anymore or something else. This headset has last him longer than any of the others = Made with Michaela stamp of approval.


Made for the Gadget Dad:

Have you ever been opening gifts on Christmas and can't figure out that pesky tape, or you're really eager to get the gift out of it's original packaging, so everyone is scrounging around for scissors or a knife? Get daddio a quality pocket knife and he'll be your Eagle Scout, always prepared dad, from now until forever. There have literally been HUNDREDS of times when we needed a knife or scissors when there are none around and Weston whips out his handy dandy pocket knife and saves the day. He swears by Case

knives and says they are awesome 'heirloom' pieces

for generations to come.


Altec Lansing RockBox Bluetooth speaker, we have had our share of speakers and this one is by far our favorite. It's water proof, you can literally let it float in the water next to you (perfect for a float down the river), it has lights that change color and will sync with the song you're playing, and it's design makes it very easy to move around and transport. Bluetooth speakers are always an awesome on the go thing to have at the ready for any get together. (A month after getting this guy, one of Weston's best friends went out and bought the same one)


On the note of music, air pods, where have you been all my life. We've had wireless headphones before: gigantic noise canceling ones, ones that attach with one chord behind your head, etc. There is just something about the airpods that are so handy. Their technology is next level and their sleek design with the charging case is so convenient.


Koozies. Admit it, you have a random drawer/basket in a closet/plastic bag full of all of those customized koozies from weddings, family reunions, trade shows, etc. The yeti hard koozie is the tomb stone for that drawer of forgotten koozies. Weston always says if you need a koozie for your drink you aren't drinking it fast enough (He has a point)


Costa sunglasses are a game changer. For about five years now, Weston has been trying to talk me into getting my own Costa sunglasses and I've always been a skeptic on their price alone. (Plus I tend to lose a pair of sunglasses about 2-3 days into owning them) These are especially good if your dad is a big lake guy/fisherman. The polarized lenses reduce the sun glare on the water and you can see those little fishies. Remember me saying I lose my sunglasses quickly? About 6 months into owning mine I dropped them (a couple times) and finally one drop a lens popped out and shattered. All Costas come with a lifetime warranty. I simply filed a claim on their website and they're sending me new ones. Easy peasey. Costa customer for life for sure!

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